As we reported,"Araz-Nakhchivan". is about to solve the problem caused by Vanderson Melo. According to allegations, the representative of the autonomous republic paid the 67,000 thousand dollars demanded by the Lebanese "Racing" club.

We learned the club's position on the matter. Mahal Mammadov, the head of the press service of "Araz-Nakhchivan" said the following in his statement to

"This problem is between the player and "Racing". Currently, Vanderson's lawyer is engaged in these matters. "Araz-Nakhchivan" has not paid the funds to the other party. Any transfer will be done by the player. We are just keeping the matter under control. The problem will be solved soon. We are interested in concluding the matter soon".

It should be noted that Melo signed a contract with the Lebanese "Racing" club before the start of the last season, but later transferred to the representative of the Autonomous Republic. For this reason, the Beirut club complained to both the player and "Araz-Nakhchivan". "Rasing" demanded that "Araz-Nakhchivan" pay 67,000 thousand dollars. Otherwise, he demanded FIFA to punish Azerbaijan club and Vanderson Melo.