Kylian Mbappe, the captain of the French national team, broke his nose in yesterday's Euro-2024 match against Austria (1:0). reports that the incident happened in the 86th minute of the match. Mbappe collided with Austrian defender Kevin Danso during the fight for the ball. He was replaced in the 90th minute. At this time, it was seen that Mbappe's nose was bleeding. The forward was immediately hospitalized.

According to the news published by "L'equipe", the first results of the examination at the Düsseldorf hospital were optimistic. According to the source, it was decided not to operate on Mbappe as previously planned. The forward has left the hospital and may even be on the roster for the next game against the Netherlands if the coaching staff decides accordingly.

The French Football Federation issued a statement about the player's condition. It was reported that Kylian Mbappe broke his nose.

"The captain of France was first helped by medical staff and doctor Frank Le Gall. He was diagnosed with a broken nose. Mbappe will receive treatment in the next few days, but will not undergo surgery in the near future. A mask will be prepared for him so that he can prepare to return to the competitions after the treatment.