Mahir Emreli, who continues to recover from his injury in his new club "Nürnberg", told about his health condition.

The member of the Azerbaijan national team spoke about the recovery process and the date of his return to the green fields:

"Here, they attach great importance to our health. They consider it important that I return not quickly, but in a healthier and more ready state. I think that after the national break (after September 10) I will be able to start the games in full. I am still content with individual exercises. But day by day training, pace, loads are increasing. It is normal for my leg to have no reaction at all. Care needs to be taken when healing these types of injuries and my club takes that very seriously. At that moment - when I was injured, I can say I was lucky. But thankfully everything is normal today."

The 27-year-old striker said that he has a very good relationship with his teammates and head coach Miroslav Klose:

"My teammates and our head coach are also good. There is a very friendly team. Everyone tries to help each other. I have enough attention and I feel and see their confidence. In my turn, I will try to justify this trust. I can't wait to finish my treatment and go to training and games with the team."