The  24-year-old defender's agent Sabuhi Safiyarli said this, reports.

According to the former club official, Mustafazadeh also wanted to play for the Danish team: "The player himself wanted to leave. No matter how much we talked to the management of" Sabah ", it was not taken. They said that the situation of our club is difficult, we can not let go. "We did not agree to the terms. It is a lie, no conditions were discussed. They said we need it. The situation at the club is difficult, we will not let it go."

Safiyarli revealed the details of Veyle's offer for the central defender: "Bahlul was to be leased for 5 months, and the contract was planned to be signed in the summer because no one can suddenly trust and take an Azerbaijani footballer. In a country like Denmark. Up to half a year. "Sabah did not discuss any of these conditions. No matter how much we insisted, no matter how much we talked, it didn't help."

The former manager added that he did not agree with the opinion that Azerbaijani footballers do not want to go abroad and do not agree with low salaries: we can now change this issue and change our minds thanks to Bahlul. It would be possible to change the opinion about Azerbaijani football in Europe. But the club "Sabah" insisted that the situation is bad. It is not your fault that they are in such a bad situation. Unfortunately, with this transfer, we could change the mindset of Azerbaijani football.

Safiyarli reminded that Mustafazadeh has another 1.5-year contract with the capital club: "Sabah" argues that the offer will be made again and the club's situation will be improved by then. But the offer is as it is today, not tomorrow. Both Vejle center-backs were injured. The situation has reached the point that the team urgently needs a player. Apart from Bahlul, offers have been sent to many places. We were able to convince them that Mustafazade will help Velye. They looked, the club's management and coaches liked it. We also had no conditional demands. All we want is for him to leave. When Sabah's management signed the contract, they promised us that we would not create a problem if there was an offer from abroad. But that's what happened."

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The football agent answered the question "Sabah club was created for the development of Azerbaijani football and young players, do you support it?""I repeat that we could change the image of national football. The Azerbaijani player from Denmark has not been offered in our 30-year history of independent football. Probably not in 30 years. Such a chance should not be wasted. Everyone knows how Bahlul made his debut in the national team. Several defenders were injured, which gave him a chance to play. Now the same chance has been seized. The main defenders of the Danish club were injured. An Azerbaijani footballer would play in Denmark. We could continue to send players abroad. Ozan Can Kokcu is also our footballer. I can't explain why Kokhlu was leased to the Dutch club Telstar for free, but Bahlul was not sent abroad. "Sabah" did not say in the Bahlul issue that we want money. Bahlul agreed that if Veyle did not want to pay the rent, we would pay that amount. However, the other party agreed to pay. They did not leave unequivocally. Even though the rent was free, we agreed to pay it. Bahlul offered to pay. "Sabah club unilaterally refused."

Safiyarli answered the question "Wouldn't Mustafazade choose another club for his career? " : "The contract was signed 1.5 years ago. Then we thought that the financial situation is good and they will bring a normal coach. Therefore, the player will increase there more. He was not a member of the national team when he signed the contract. He had just left Gabala. The regional representative wanted to sell and take money from the player because of his difficult situation. Not every club could pay that amount. Sabah's salary for Bahlu is not so high. It is clear that he was not in the top five in terms of salary. We hoped that Sabah would be a good club and increase in the championship. What else did we know that he will take the last place in the championship and say goodbye to the national cup early.

According to the football agent, Mustafazade did not play in 8 of the 14 matches of the championship due to injury: But then they move on to other options. If the transition is not taken, it will be a huge psychological blow for Bahlul. "Sabah" club tells us that its decision is final. The offer came to us from the fifth day. We were against it appearing in the press. Although it was clear, we did not want it to be broadcast, we were waiting for the negotiations to end. It so happened that the Danish press wrote. We also had to express our position. " (report)