According to , Abbasov said the following about the game:

"Congratulations on the beginning of the championship. We missed it. Thank you to the fans for coming. They are the decoration of football. Congratulations to the fans of Sumgayit and my players. Keshla is a very good opponent. The game was faster than we expected. Both teams had goal episodes. It was the beginning of the championship and there was tension. The first rounds will be difficult. We must increase in the game plan and continue on our way. There will be a break after two rounds. We will prepare for the next games.

- What is the condition of Aydin Bayramov?

- We hope that there will be no serious problems. The opponent's leg hit his knee. Loss of clarity can lead to very serious complications. An MRI will be done tomorrow.

- What shortcomings did you see in the first game? Are you planning to transfer a new player?

- We see our problems very well. Today, it is important to protect the staff for the survival of "Sumgayit". I would like you to ask this question: "You have played in European Cups with three young players, but no one appreciates it ...". Some black football experts demanded that we pass Chukarichki. I believe that these people will be "peaceful" from now on. If we can find the player we want, we will definitely get it. But we have players like Rufat, Khazar, Sanan in reserve. Even if we lose, we will train these players. If we do not get to the European Cups this year, nothing will happen. Our main goal is to identify young and local players.

- In the last games you lost to "Keshla" only in the final of the Cup. What was the reason for this defeat?

- In some games, there must be players who can decide the fate of the match. After winning bronze medals, my players had psychological peace. It was difficult to prepare for the game. In the final, "Keshla" was more eager. We lost to them only psychologically. Last season there was Meza Collie, who gave two passes and settled the game. Today Rahim and Ali have been with us for several years. They too can slowly take on the burden.

- We mostly saw Murad Khachayev on the field, but today Elvin was in the starting lineup. What was the reason?

- I always love competition. There may be another team in the game from "Sabah". I was satisfied with Elvin's training condition.

- Is there a shortage of limit players in the team?

- We have no problems. We have players. If I use this as an excuse, it will not be right. We have thought about it.

- If the team is not a champion, then there is a problem. Will you change anything compared to last season?

- That question can be asked to clubs with better budgets. If you expect a championship from us, thank you very much. We will try to be more ambitious. Our main goal was to protect the staff. This season, every player is more experienced. Our championship is very difficult and the staff must be large. Our goal is to train football players. By selling the dream, we signed the first. You also need to earn money. If we consider the only result, there will be no players from the lower age groups.

- Rahim Sadikhov has a chance to go to Karabakh. What do you think about it?

- Rahim is an important player for us and he has a contract with us. There must be a suggestion to think about. But this does not seem realistic.