Next week, the fight in the I League begins.

There are many clubs that want to be promoted to the Premier League this season. An interesting championship awaits us. But being a candidate for the top league does not depend only on the results on the field. Infrastructure, correct documentation procedures and meeting license requirements are among the main conditions. I wonder which clubs can be shown as the strongest candidates for promotion to the Premier League this season?

We turned to Emil Shukurov to find an answer to our question. The well-known agent told

"I see "Gabala" as the luckiest team to advance to the Premier League by fully fulfilling the conditions of licensing as a champion in the I League. Both the administrative staff and the coaching staff are at a level that will make a difference to their opponents. Secondly, I would mention "Karvan", which is my hometown. They have one of the best infrastructures among the I League clubs, I hope they don't save the important organizational work they had to do for last season. 

 "Imishli" is one of the rare I League clubs with a sponsor. Due to the lack of consistency, they are also candidates for the top three this season. But it does not seem convincing that they will advance to the league from the first place. A new coach, a changed team, not being able to play in the home stadium - these can lead to serious points losses in the first half of the season. 

It is known that MOIK and "Garadagh Lokbatan" from other clubs will fight to maintain the prestige and competitiveness of the league as always. 

One of the clubs "Jabrayil" and "Baku Sporting" can be the "secret favorite" of the competition.